There’s some High-Grade Gunpowder in the green bin next to the door, otherwise keep moving around the room to the other side. When he skulks back to the other corner of the room, slowly follow him and unload another Flame Round before finishing him off. Let loose on the Licker in the middle with your Flame Rounds from the safety of the doorway, and backpedal when the other Licker comes to investigate.

Inside the Kennels you’ll find why there’s been no barking - two Lickers are feasting on their remains. Go back into the halls - ignoring the hall past the Firing Range, as the door is unpowered and locked - and take the path going down towards the entrance to the Kennels, and note the Blue Herb just outside the door. This weapon uses the same 9mm ammo as your SLS 60, but includes a Laser Sight mod, and can carry an impressive 13 rounds, making it a great choice for precise and sustained fire. Inspect the trunk and you’ll find a JMB Hp3 Handgun. Return to the Parking Garage and inspect the Car Key, and look on the other side for an unlock button you can press, which will pop the trunk of a nearby patrol car to the left of the door you came through. Raccoon Toys and some Flame Rounds, just be sure to move softly so as not to wake the two zombies here. You can’t get into the weapons storage without the Diamond Key, but you can go to the target range to find one of the Mr. Raccoon File, which will tell you about the collectible toys stashed around.

Next to the file is a Tin Storage Box, and you can inspect the box and look for the latch to open it and find a Car Key.īefore heading back, check the counter to the weapons storage to find A Message From Mr. Look on the right for a table with an Equipment Disposal Notice File about a damaged key to a patrol car. In the next hallway, go straight from the door into the darkened hallway and take a left into the Firing Range. Be sure to check the elevator itself for a small note, then head back to the Parking Garage.īack in the garage, look for a door on the left on the other side of a small red car. Next to the magazine is the Police Station Map B1 along the wall, but the Elevator Controls Room is locked by a Diamond Door. This leads to a hall with an elevator at the end, as well as the Raccoon Monthly, June Issue File where you’ll identify the mysterious kidnapper. If you want to give chase, you'll need a key card of your own.īack on your feet, it’s time to get your bearings in this area - heading first through the unlocked door by the garage's gate. The ramp out of the garage is closed by a gate - and you’re going to need a key.īefore you can figure out your next move, a man will appear - and before you can figure out what's going on, he'll kidnap the girl and leave you stranded in the parking garage while he makes his escape. As you enter the dimly lit Parking Garage, things seem to be a little more complex than the Officer’s Notebook may have led you to believe.